Association of partners
on coordination and usage of
An Informal Meeting of journalists, authorities and business circles of the Russian Arctic Zone and the Big Arctic 8 has been approved by Nikolay Korchunov, Ambassador-at-Large for the Arctic Cooperation, and was held online on January 21, 2021.
The NSRA and an American journalist Adrienne Bernhard who writes about the development of the Northern Sea Route (also known as the North-East Passage) for BBC, Wall Street Journal and USA’s and Great Britain’s digital media, are the inspirers and the organizers of the hour-and-a-half conference which was held in English, the language of the Arctic Council and the world’s main institutions.
12 participants of the meeting discussed the NSRA’s work programme for 2021 and the most important matters related to the international cooperation in the Arctic. This subject becomes particularly relevant due to the Russian Federation’s forthcoming chairmanship of the Arctic Council from May 2021 to May 2023.
The NSRA is interested in the successful implementation of Russia’s joint projects; first of all – joint projects with the Arctic Council’s member States – USA, Canada, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland who will soon hand the chairmanship over to our country.
The Arctic Council is quite a young organization; it was founded in Ottawa and will celebrate its 25th Anniversary on this year’s September 19. The NSRA is only 5 years younger and our business partners are full of energy and inspiration required for the development of the fruitful cooperation.
Photo: Vladimir Kharlov, Vice-President of the NSR Association
We commend Jeffrey Radgowski, US Coast Guard Attache; Igor Botsan, Councellor, Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia); Slava Karpov, Director General of the Canadian company I-Net; Bruno Jobert and Jean Baptiste from the French cruise company PONANT; Kasutaka Ishimatsu, Deputy Head of the Economic Section, Embassy of Japan; Alexander Ignatyev, Chief Editor of the Arctic Herald magazine; Julia Zvorykina, professor, MGIMO; Mikhail Grigoryev, Director, Gecon LLC; Mikhail Dovgiy, Director General, Arctweb company; Dmitry Bachukin, Head, Marketing and Digitalization Section, Smart Arctic LLC.
We have sent the video record of the meeting to all participants and NSRA partners. We would be glad to receive your comments and/or proposals.
We are happy that new members have joined the NSRA and we plan to hold the Association’s visiting session in-person on Thursday, March 18, 2021, in Saint-Petersburg. All information and terms of participation are available on the NSRA’s official website.
Forthcoming events
Long-term ice forecasts for the Arctic seas for the second half of navigation (August-October) 2020.
Welcome to Russian and foreign NSR association partners and friends to join to the previous and updated events where we are involved in November -December, 2019.
A Conference of the Northern Sea Route Association will be held in March 2020.
We invite you to attend the Conference "Northern Sea Route - a path to development of business and an international consensus" that will be held by the Northern Sea Route Association in Moscow in March 2020.
+7 (499) 391-30-95
+7 (926) 520-28-03
127473 Moscow, Seleznyovkaya str 11-A, building 1, Russia