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Forthcoming NSR association conference in October 29-th, 2020 in Moscow
Dear NSR association partners,
We are happy to inform you that Igor Tonkovidov Sovcomflot company(Moscow, Gashek street,6)
general director is very positive to receive NSRA conference delegates on Thursday
October 29-th, 2020.
The conference subject is based on Russian Arctic zone shipping buiding,energy, infrastructure,
digital, research, financial bodies program development. As usual NSRA long term good friends and partners
reports from Far East and Arctic, transportation and Foreign affairs ministries,would start forthcoming conference.
We are glad to inform you about positive reaction to be the conference speakers from 5 Russian Arctic territories,
and 6 countries.
We have been in close contact with new NSRA partner PONANT company from France within July-August? 2020
to arrange first NSR cruise line Murmansk -Anadyr.
Many thanks to Rosturism, transportation and Foreign affairs Federal ministries friends for good support.to PONANT company.
This time COVID-19 restrictions did not allow our French friends to make the NSR voyage dream true for 30 cruise
line tourists. Strong "Boreal" vessel with high -class crew was not able to reach Spitsbergen island this summer.
There was no sense to move further on the east. to the Russian Arctic zone.
But Russian Arctic region is a perfect area to cool down and get ready to a new ideas, business and international cooperation .
We have a new leader ex -president Dmitry Medvedev, who is having leading decision making position in the Arctic.since August, 24, 2020. Arthur Chilingarov -Russian president envoy on the international cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic and NSRA President was keeping his position. It would be great to follow greetings speech of live Arctic history man for all the conference delegates.
We are not that naive expecting bad boy "Mr COVID" behavior would be stopped immediately.
But we are very optimistic re. forthcoming conference date and keep you informed on our web-site (
https://nsrassociation.ru/) after the middle of September, 2020 what is going on.
We are prepared for kind of solutions but pretty sure that "offl-ine" NSRA conference would make peaceful, honest and close cooperation much more fruitful than before.
Photo 1: from the left to the right Alexander Kryutikov Far East and Arctic Federal ministry , deputy minister
Arthur Chilingarov, NSRA president, Arctic and Antarctic envoy on the international cooperation, Pavel Seleznyov , NSRA executive director.
Photo 2:from the right to the left Pavel Seleznyov, NSRA executive director, Nicolay Korchunov , Ambassador-at-Large for the Arctic Cooperation , Russian Foreign affairs ministry, Vladimir Kharlov, NSRA vice- president.
Best and friendly greetings
On behalf of NSRA council
Vladimir Kharlov
NSRA vice -president,
FA FC Arctic council member ( infrastrusture,and logistic operations)
+7 926 520 28 03 what,app