Association of partners
on coordination and usage of
Three days, on March 13 -17-th, 2020 NSR association headed by «Arctic patriarkh» Arthur Chilingarov stayed in Naryan Mar city.Snowmobile competition to be founded by NSR assocation President 24 years ago,Naryan Mar 85 years ceremony celebration and meetings on «Intellectual Arctic city» were interesting and exciting. NSR association gift marine watches handling to Mayor of Naryan Mar Oleg Belak was done with warm wishes to all inhabitants «always young» Nenets Arctic city. But time is running fastly and Naryan Mar people would like to live in the clean and comfortable town where a great pleasure to live for mothers and retired persons , petroleum people and geologists, reindeerbreeders and fishmen.And to those who is carring not an easy job on their shoulders to keep the city tidy. Alexander Teryaev and Vilaliy Bachukin NSR association partners had many «Intellectual Arctic city» ideas to share with Borislav Petukhin-Naryan bus company chief engineer, Denis Zimenkov and Alexey Ljapin «Clean City» company leaders. Mr Teryaev informed Naryan Mar friends about digital technologies implementation experience within Olympic games in Sochi in 2014. It is always useful when professionals may arrange views exchange. Where one can learn how digital technologies can help in rapid snow cleaning,how to look after the monuments and minimize city budget expenditures . Nenets collegues share their work experience in the harsh Arctic conditions.
«Clean city» municipal enterprise and Mar bus company management spoke about nessessaty to have one standard in public transport and city cleaning work in the Arctic Zone of Russian Federation. Exactly now Russian Arctic strategy up to 2035 being disccused at Federation Federation council. Vladimir Kharlov- vice president of NSR accociation ,Federal Assembly Federation council , Arctic council member spoke about forthcoming NSR association conference «Northern sea route as the key point of Arctic state policy in the AZRF on infrastructure, energy sector , digital development and international cooperation up 2035.» The conference is supposed to be on April 16, 2020 in Moscow and Nenets autonomous district participate NSR association events actively as usual.
Forthcoming events
Long-term ice forecasts for the Arctic seas for the second half of navigation (August-October) 2020.
Welcome to Russian and foreign NSR association partners and friends to join to the previous and updated events where we are involved in November -December, 2019.
A Conference of the Northern Sea Route Association will be held in March 2020.
We invite you to attend the Conference "Northern Sea Route - a path to development of business and an international consensus" that will be held by the Northern Sea Route Association in Moscow in March 2020.
+7 (499) 391-30-95
+7 (926) 520-28-03
127473 Moscow, Seleznyovkaya str 11-A, building 1, Russia