Association of partners
on coordination and usage of
A Conference of the Northern Sea Route Association will be held on 31.10.2019. We invite you to participate in the Conference "Northern Sea Route - a path to development of business and an international consensus" to be held by the Northern Sear Route Association on October 31, 2019 in Moscow.
Representatives of the relevant federal Ministries, representatives of the Russian Federation's seven Arctic territories (from Murmansk to Chukotka), representatives of maritime and aviation business, Rosatom Corporation, NSR ports, representatives of the energy sector, Russian and foreign research and financial institutions, National Security Council of the Russian Federation and representatives of the "Arctic Eight" will be the key participants of the plenary meeting and round tables.
We anticipate participation of Canada, Norway and Finland, who are members of the "Arctic Eight" and China, South Korea, India, Japan and France who are the Observers to the Arctic Council.
Forthcoming events
Long-term ice forecasts for the Arctic seas for the second half of navigation (August-October) 2020.
Welcome to Russian and foreign NSR association partners and friends to join to the previous and updated events where we are involved in November -December, 2019.
A Conference of the Northern Sea Route Association will be held in March 2020.
We invite you to attend the Conference "Northern Sea Route - a path to development of business and an international consensus" that will be held by the Northern Sea Route Association in Moscow in March 2020.
+7 (499) 391-30-95
+7 (926) 520-28-03
127473 Moscow, Seleznyovkaya str 11-A, building 1, Russia