Association of partners
on coordination and usage of
Dear NSR association partners,
(Photo participants of the Conference "Northern Sea Route - a path to development of business and an international consensus").
We would like to keep our Russian partners and you informed about updated events where NSR association is involved inNovember-December , 2019.
We are ready to assist you to join Saint-Petersburg annual Arctic forum to be held by Polar Explores together with
Russian government (Ministry on Far East and Arctic dealings, Economic dev mininistry, Transportation ministry,
Energy ministry , Finance ministry, Trade and Industry, Resources Ecology ministry .
Sorry for a short time notice before the event that is coming in Dec 5-6-th, 2019 in Expocenter in SPB.
Aviation and Russian Northern marine transport corridor( the name of NSR in a new Russian Arctic dev law
up to 2035) seminars - that will be our attention to be focused on.
IF you can join us we can minimize your participation fees.
Let me allow recommend our serious Canadian partners to participate aviation section because of Twinn Otter 6
middle range plane discussions as alternative to Russian MC-21 to be used in the Russian Arctic zone.
Via Mr.Arthur Chilingarov, Russian President Envoy in the Arctic and Antarctic on the international cooperation
it is possible to arrange add. discussions with Trade and Industry minister Denis Manturov.
Just keep on mind that 8-10 Canadian
planes are far from to be air coffins in the Arctic and such reliable machines are very important for 2.5 million people
transportation from to the Arctic zone of Russia.
My long life time experience in the world Arctic says that aviation ( both helicopters and planes) is the key point
of successful development.
Please keep on mind that 150. 000 USD min project any foreign company can be involved in the Arctic.
Alexander Kryutikov Far East and Arctic ministry stats secretary said about this within our conference in Oct 31, 2019
and no doubt that such an offer could be interesting to your busineses representatives.
Feel free to resend my message to your countries to expand business cooperation in the Northern Russia.
In Dec 3-rd, 2019 there would be concerete projects discussed in the Government where Mikhail Dovgiy Arctweb company
head would join me as the conference speaker. We will inform you about all the offers to be done.
Now special attention please!
In Dec 9, Monday , 2019 at 15.00 in MGIMO Institute in Moscow ( leading Foreign affairs institute in Russia) there
would be research work to be discussed.
The subject : British and American Arctic dev projects last 20 years and at the present time . Mrs Petukhova would be
the speaker and she will pretend to catch professor title . Her speech would be in English and NSR partners are very very
much welcome.
If you agree upon this send me e-mail and dead line could be Dec 6-th. I would be in Saint -Petersburg Arctic forum
but would have lap and telephone with me . Mrs Petukhova is the student professor Vylegzhanin brilliant speaker of
the last NSR conference and I am very happy to assist my collegue in his work at MGIMO
Sorry that not all the latest NSR site materials translated into English mostly because of my South Ural private person
unforgettable trip to Ufa -Chelyabinsk- Ekaterinburg this week.
In my opinion my discussions with NSR ass. council member, Nenets Govenor Alexander Tsybulskiy about IT technologies,
communications and new Indiga port construction challenges in the frames of Russian Arctic council could be the most
interesting for you.
Hopefully your Russian speaking collegues would assist you to translate NSR ass. materials
to be written sometines in a hurry and in not very good Russian.
Sorry about this.
NSR ass. is doing the best and we would try to prove it again and again within for sure our long term cooperation.
Please join NSR association as our partners next year and help us to spead out our offers to your countries
businesses .
On behalf of NSR association council
Vladimir Kharlov
NSR ass vice president
Forthcoming events
Long-term ice forecasts for the Arctic seas for the second half of navigation (August-October) 2020.
Welcome to Russian and foreign NSR association partners and friends to join to the previous and updated events where we are involved in November -December, 2019.
A Conference of the Northern Sea Route Association will be held in March 2020.
We invite you to attend the Conference "Northern Sea Route - a path to development of business and an international consensus" that will be held by the Northern Sea Route Association in Moscow in March 2020.
+7 (499) 391-30-95
+7 (926) 520-28-03
127473 Moscow, Seleznyovkaya str 11-A, building 1, Russia